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The Writers Journey

Wayyyy back in the day and often around 4 or 5 in the morning, Paul and I would 69 our patrol cars and talk. Yak, prattle, blabber, and natter ... gab, gossip, banter, and jabber. After all it was the middle of the night, and if the city wasn't behaving badly, we had the time.
Often we'd take up behind a Shell station on our beat, and drink thermoses of coffee and share our experiences during the shift, hopes of things to come and dreams as yet unrealized, but usually well into development.
Very often, we'd talk about writing. The little tidbits we'd authored for our friends or more often, just for ourselves. We didn't know it then, but we were on our way.
If someone had told us that writing a book wasn't more than just tippy-tap-typing away in our favorite club chair, mid-shelf scotch on the armrest and a cozy, flickering flame gently warming a walnut-paneled study, well, we wouldn't have believed it. Hell, we just assumed we had Wambaugh skills, or when we got really up in ourselves, Hemingway was in our sights. After more than a few years seriously devoted to this exercise, apparently 'learning the craft' turns out to be a real thing.
We've come a long way, since those days on Beat 1 and are more dedicated than ever to getting it right. Still...it would've been sobering to know the following:
Embarking on the path from learning the craft of writing to publishing with a traditional publisher is no simple feat. It's a winding road filled with twists and turns, but for most of us, the promise of seeing your work in print and sharing it with a wider audience makes the journey worth the effort.
Let's dive into the experience step by step:
Learning the Craft
Every author's adventure kicks off with taking a crack at mastering the art of storytelling. This phase is like the foundation of a grand building, essential and ever-evolving.
Reading Extensively: Most writers start by devouring books in their genre and beyond. It's like a crash course in different writing styles and narrative techniques.
Formal Education: Some authors opt for formal education in creative writing, but it's not a must. MFA programs and writing workshops are just one way to sharpen those skills.
Practice and Experimentation: Writers hone their craft through years of practice. That's right, years of practice. From short stories to novel drafts, it's all about flexing those creative muscles.
Studying Writing Techniques: Many authors dive into books on writing craft, attend workshops, and join writing groups to level up their skills.
Writing the Manuscript
Once confidence blooms, or some version of that, authors often find themselves diving headfirst into crafting their manuscript. For most, it becomes a labor of love in the making.
Drafting: Writing that first draft can be a marathon. Months or years may pass, depending on the complexity of the tale.
Revising: Countless rounds of revisions follow the initial draft. Plot tweaks, character arcs, and prose polishing are all part of the process.
Self-Editing: Before seeking outside help, authors need to fine-tune their work through self-editing.
Taking a Break: Stepping away from the manuscript for a breather allows for fresh eyes during the editing phase. We've found this little step really helpful in many ways.
Multiple Passes: Self-editing involves various rounds focusing on different aspects like plot, sentence structure, and proofreading. Some get caught in an endless loop, finding it difficult to ever find their manuscript worthy of the next steps. Just another hurdle to conquer.
Professional Editing
Many authors choose to work with professional editors to further refine their manuscript. Not cheap, but in our view, absolutely necessary. And, for what it's worth, defining the editing steps below is not an absolute. Authors will find a wide range of definitions, but in the grand scheme, this is close.
Developmental Editing: This focuses on the big-picture elements of the story, such as plot, character development, and pacing.
Line Editing: This involves a detailed examination of the manuscript's language, focusing on style, clarity, and flow.
Copyediting: This stage addresses grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency issues.
Proofreading: The final stage of editing, which catches any remaining errors.
Querying Agents
With a polished manuscript in hand, authors venture into the world of querying literary agents, a nerve-wracking, usually lengthy, but necessary series of steps.
Research: Finding agents who champion their genre is key. A well-crafted query letter showcasing the book and the author's prowess is essential. Sounds simple—it is not. Paul and I recall an agent, apparently giddy with himself, telling us, he likes to "see how many queries I can reject while waiting for the light to change." Luckily, in our experience, that's not routinely the case.
Submission: Following agent guidelines, authors send out query letters (sounds simple—it is not) and requested materials, bracing for the waiting game.
Waiting and Responding: Rejections may, no wait...will come, but authors can often use feedback to fine-tune their pitch and manuscript for the next round.
Acquiring an Agent
If an agent shows interest, the manuscript gets a closer look. If representation is offered, a new chapter in the author's journey begins.
Negotiation: Terms are discussed, and agreements are signed, marking the start of a professional partnership.
Manuscript Revisions: Further tweaks may be suggested to make the manuscript shine even brighter.
Submission to Publishers
The agent then takes the helm, submitting the manuscript to potential publishers, hoping to find the perfect match.
Preparing Submission Package: Crafting a compelling pitch, synopsis, and author bio is crucial for catching the eye of publishers.
Submission: The agent sends out the package to targeted editors, aiming for that coveted book deal.
Auctions: In some cases, multiple publishers vying for the manuscript can lead to an auction, ensuring the best outcome for the author. Never been an author that wasn't praying for this situation!
Publishing Process
Once a publisher bites, the publishing journey truly begins, from contract negotiations to the book's grand release.
Contract Negotiation: The nitty-gritty details of the publishing contract are ironed out by the agent.
Editorial Process: Collaborating with the publisher's editors, the author refines the manuscript further. Yep, that's right. More edits.
Production: From cover design to proofreading, the book undergoes various production stages.
Marketing and Publicity: The publisher crafts marketing strategies, if you're lucky, with the author's input, to promote the book.
Release: Finally, the book sees the light of day, typically a year or more after the contract signing. Did, someone mention this is a journey?
This is a marathon, not a sprint, demanding grit, patience, and a hunger for growth. While every author's tale is unique, these steps paint a broad picture of the traditional publishing process. So, here's to all the aspiring authors out there—may your journey be filled with words, wonder, and a touch of magic!

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Stay thrilled,
Chris Berg and Paul James Smith
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Thanks Chris that was very informative